Tuesday 12 January 2016


It is imperative to examine the level of energy being dissipated by the present administration towards propaganda and smear campaign when it ought to be furnishing Nigerians with information on how it intends to achieve good governance and bring dividends of democracy to their doorsteps.It has now become a norm to discover trending of live and online campaigns that promote solidarity with the government, narratives that justify the slow pace of governance,trampling on judicial process all in the name of fighting corruption,smear campaigns on perceived enemies of APC on social media platforms.
Ordinarily, an average Nigerian would have expected that considering the harsh economic environment that currently exists in Nigeria, the current crop of leaders and administrators would have thought it wise to continue engaging Nigerians on the reforms and policies it wishes to establish.In the absence of such engagement and communication channel as we currently witness, what does this tell us as a nation and what danger does it pose? We have discovered that these crop of administrators are more interested in securing their present positions than matching head on to face governance and bring dividends of democracy to Nigerians.
For all those who care to listen, remember that analysts have consistently told us that there will be massive downsizing on the part of the banking sector in 2016.I therefore ask, where is the economic team (that is not even in place) working day and night to ensure that the effect of this economic reality can be reduced even if it can’t be completely avoided? We have also been told of how high foreign exchange rate have made it difficult for manufacturers in procuring equipment and other materials for production, this has in turn led to high cost of production, reduced production level and downsizing of workforce on large scale due to inability to pay wages.
What about the questions analysts have been asking on security,this government have consistently downplayed the effect of terrorism activities,totaling avoiding discuss on activities in Northeast and North Central Nigeria to the detriment of those living in these areas bearing the pains and brunt of daily killings. What does this tend to serve? Perhaps they donot want Nigerians to discover how they have bungled the fight against terrorists and cattle rustlers after all the highfalutinpromises made during campaigns. Will the downplaying of media coverage stop the effects of the killings going on? Why not allow Nigerians get informed and then rally us to come out with information regarding suspicious movements and operations that will aid the security agencies in nipping this scourge in bud.
Do not forget that this is same government has refused to address the fundamental issues leading to Biafra movement and agitations,Shi’ite massacres. They have refused to accept that history is just repeating itself and that bringing Nigerians together is the primary objective now not engaging in cheap politics. One will expect that a responsive government would be promoting unity slogans such as “Nigeria: Good people,great nation” as brought up by Dora Akunyili to foster brotherliness among Nigerians alas, they are still engaged in opposition mood, creating narratives that is further tearing Nigerians apart.
Let us talk about the budget;safe for what BudgiT group gave Nigerians,the government of the day has refused to give breakdown to Nigerians after weeks of presentation at National Assembly. The entire budget had been shrouded in secrecy because of the over-bloated figures and outrageous items contained in the budget. A sincere administration that intends to make Nigerians believe what she says will come clean on every detail ofgovernmentspending so that it can be scrutinized. Remember that the freedom for Information bill has been passed, so every single Nigerian deserves to know how their collective wealth is being expended and on what exactly.
One cannot hurriedly forget that since the inception of the present administration, all the indicators leading to poverty have been triggered ranging from warfare, imbalanced agricultural cycles, weather, unstable economic policies, structure of government, corruption and environmental degradation.
On warfare,the destruction of human and material resources continue unabated in north central and north east, loss of farmlands, houses burnt, loss of herds of animals continue to rise but what do we get in response is; thorough deafening silence on issues and at next turn, high political propaganda. All these in turn lead to drop in income of average settlers in these areas.We have not heard what this government has to offer on nipping in bud the devastating quiet genocide going on in North Central.
Examine agricultural sector, it is common sense to have expected that by now the government would have doubled her effort on the achievements of previous administration on fertilizer supplies and mechanized farming. Although the administration have been able to realize that the whole cassava revolution is not gimmick and highfalutin propaganda, more needs to be done in bringing the farmers closer to government like it was done with the e-wallet programme for fertilizer supply. It is time we find a way of bringing subsistence farmers on board because theyform the bedrock of survival. Families that rely on subsistence production for survival are finding it difficult pre-harvest period because of the harsh economic environment that now exist, all the palliative measures put in place by previous administration have not been followed diligently, we ask the Minister in charge to wake up, it is already 3months after appointment, you met a lot done by Dr. Akinwumi Adesina.
In examining Infrastructure,this government has practically abandoned all major capital projects that will continuously leap frog the nation on economic ground.There was appropriation for 2015, why has work stopped on major projects like Lagos-Ibadan expressway,Second Niger Bridge, the Lokoja highway,East-West Road,Abuja-Kaduna standard gaugerail projects,Re-modeling of airport lounges and terminals, Over 25 Transmission Installation power projects. Body language took over the narrative of developmental issues instead of concrete assessment and fashioning how to improve.
With all the issues mentioned so far, how do we intend to survive economically with the slow pace at which this government is moving? Realizingthe fact that Nigerian masses are going through harsh conditions,the middle class is fast fading away,the average man purchasing power had gone down; students cannot  pay fees online or offer courses online, Fuel is still sold at an average of 100-130 Naira outside Abuja, the list is endless.
Of course many of the ministers so appointed needs to be questioned in their area of competence especially those in charge of Communications, Education and Agriculture. Nothing suggests that these men can meet the challenges of 21st century in those sectors, it is not about a Spartan life, and it is about deliverables in 21st century.
On a final note, this government needs to get down to governance, be open with Nigerians on the challenges ahead, discuss with Nigerians on the issues bordering them and abandon propaganda. STOP CHASING SHADOWS.
Banji Dada
@dadabanji  A public commentator /enthusiast

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