Sunday 3 January 2016

ISIS blew up an innocent 4 year-old child

ISIS strapped a bomb on a 4 year-old boy and blew him up after executing his father in the Al-Shirqat district for killing two ISIS gunmen

In yet another heinous crime committed by ISIS, the group has blown up a four-year-old child just one week after executing the child’s father.

Speaking to Alsumaria News, a senior official in the Iraqi national organization the Popular Mobilization Forces, Jabar el-Maamouri, said ISIS blew up a 4-year-old child after executing the child’s father. ISIS exploded "a bomb that was attached to the 4-year-old through a remote-controlled device so that his organs would be blown apart. ISIS executed the boy’s father a week ago after he was accused of participating in an attack on one their outposts a month ago that killed two ISIS gunmen” el-Maamouri said.

While Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Bernie Sanders are claiming Climate Control as thei number one threat, the cowardly Wahhabi terrorists are running rampant slaughtering any opposers in their path and blowing up little children.

He called human rights organizations to “document the crimes of ISIS and to publicize the incident to the international community to condemn its funders and supporters with money and words.”

The killings took place in the Al-Shirqat district north of Salah ad Din province. ISIS has controlled the Al-Shirqat district since June, 2014. The area is considered to be one of the organization’s strongholds. A local source in the Nineveh province of Iraq also said that ISIS wiped out a village after its residents rebelled against the group.

While Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Bernie Sanders are claiming Climate Control as ther number one threat, the cowardly Wahhabi terrorists are running rampant slaughtering any opposers in their path and blowing up little children. However, most Americans know ISIS must be stopped.

These monsters are killing women, children and others in horrific ways everywhere they go in Syria and Iraq. The little boy who was blown up is just one more example in the wake of thousands.

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