Wednesday 20 January 2016

Jakarta terror attack: Survivor Frank Faulner tells of horror at Starbucks cafe

A survivor of last week's deadly Jakarta terrorist attacks believes an Islamic State suicide bomber directly targeted him and his friend because they were among a small group of foreigners in a Starbucks cafe.

Jakarta attack summary:

  • Blasts struck central Jakarta shortly before 3:00pm on January 14
  • Explosions occurred at a popular cafe, then at police checkpoint
  • Blasts struck outside the Sarinah shopping centre and the UN's country office
  • Islamic State claimed responsibility

In an interview with the ABC, German political consultant Frank Faulner told of the horror that unfolded when the bomber sat down at the next table and blew himself up.
Mr Faulner was meeting with his long-term friend, Dutch UN employee Johan Kieft, when the explosion went off, killing four people and injuring more than 20, some critically.
The pair were having a light-hearted discussion about their holidays.
"In the middle of the conversation there was an extremely light flash appearing, and immediately followed with a bang," Mr Faulner said.
"And I was slapped very hard at the right side of my face and it was very hot and it smelt incredibly of explosives, and of burnt skin and hair."
Mr Faulner said he thought he would pass out but managed to open his eyes a short while later.
He said when he tried to get up he slipped on glass and blood and cut the tendons in his right hand.
Injured man Johan Kieft       
 Photo: Mr Kieft (right) suffered a shattered skull, a severe chest wound and injuries to his lungs in the blast. (Supplied)

However, it was his friend who suffered the worst injuries.
Mr Kieft is now in an induced coma in a Singapore hospital with a shattered skull, a severe chest wound and injuries to his lungs.
His left leg was also shattered, however he was expected to survive.
"My friend [Mr Kieft] was still sitting opposite me in his chair, looking at me," Mr Faulner said.
"I looked again at my friend and he is still staring at me with open eyes and I shouted at him, 'lets get out, let's get out quick we have to leave there's a bomb, we have to leave, come on, Johan, let's leave!' and he was not moving and not reacting to it."
Mr Faulner said when he tried to run he realised the right side of his body was on fire, and with too much glass covering the ground to roll he used his hand to pat it out.
He said he heard another blast outside the cafe and realised he needed to run in the other direction.
He said he could not help his friend as Mr Kieft was a much larger man whom he could not lift.
"I didn't think he was dead because he looked at me, and I had the feeling he was in total shock," Mr Faulner said.
"He didn't seem to have any injuries. At that time I didn't know that the bomb contained also nails and screws and nuts and bolts, but no blood was visible on his body."

YouTube: Jakarta bombing: Indonesian capital rocked by terror attack

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